Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Supreme Court tells government to listen to Sharon Shoesmith

As I predicted in a previous post, the Supreme Court has refused leave to appeal in the Sharon Shoesmith case (see Guardian article). Worryingly, the government still thinks it was "right in principle for Sharon Shoesmith to be removed from her post as director of children's services".

Presumably the government thinks that the court ruling is just saying that Ed Balls went about dismissing Shoesmith in the wrong way. Again, as I said in the previous post, the court wasn't just saying there should have been a meeting between Balls and Sharon Shoesmith but that she should have been given the opportunity to put her case. The government still doesn't seem willing to listen to this case. I agree with Ed Balls that urgent action from the government is required, but not because of a "constitutional ambiguity", which is what he says is the problem.

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